Why Jesus?

It’s a big question that a lot of people like you are asking these days.  It’s either because you think the world has gone off the deep end and we need a solution beyond human capacity, or because you think there are questions about the world that scientists, philosophers, and professors can’t adequately answer.  

Surely, there is a way we can all live in peace with each other, and surely there is an answer to the Big Questions that satisfy my intellect and my soul, right?

So, why Jesus?  Simply stated, Jesus is the answer to all of your questions and concerns about the world, Jesus is your direct connection to God, and Jesus is the living image of what we will become.  But, to understand and truly believe that answer, you need a bit more information.

First thing you need to know is that God created the universe and everything in it.  It didn’t just happen by accident and it didn’t come from nothing in a Big Bang, like scientists expect us to believe.  When has something ever come from nothing?  Never.  That has never happened.  God made everything and science exists as a field of study to understand everything God has created.