
1. Grace

4. Hope

Stand Alone Sermons

Guest Speaker Cam Huxford

The Most Important Thing In the World

Christ In Me

Here and There

The Eighth Day of Creation

Trains, Drains, and the 21st Century Church


1. The Leader's Call

2. Crossing the Jordan

3. Rahab's Hope

4. Jericho and the Wrath of God

5. The Battle of Jericho

6. Now Back to Your Question

What is a Family

1. A Family is an Eco-System

2. The Trellis and the Vines

Summer Stories

1. Seeds of the Sower

2. Mustard Seed

3. Yeast

4. Laborers in the Vineyard

5. Treasure and the Pearl

6. Unforgiving Servant

Recording failed.

7. The Persistent Widow

8. Tax Collector and Pharisee

9. Lost Sheep, Coin, and Sons

10. The Great Banquet

11. Faithful & Wise Servant

12. Rebellion in the Vineyard

Cosmic Generosity

1. Life Didn't Have to be This Good

2. God Gave Us the Law

3. God Gave Us the Afterlife

4. God Gave Us the Kingdom of Heaven

This Thing We Call

The Church

1. Community

2. Service

3. Membership

Easter 2023

Journey to the Cross

1. The Last Supper

2. Peter's Denial

3. Insults and Paradise

The Places We Find Ourselves

1. It's a Terrible Thing to Forget

2. Where Do We Go From Here